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Unified Chakra

This technique is brought to us by Archangel Ariel and was channeled by Tashira Tashi-Ren. It is designed to train your chakras to stay open and connected multidimensionally.

Unified Chakra

The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light and acts like a force field, allowing you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies. It also helps to screen out other people’s pictures of reality.

By practicing the Unified Chakra regularly, you will train the different parts of yourself to merge, making you more present and able to follow your Spirit with each breath and each step. When all your energies are aligned and connected, it is much easier to live Heaven on Earth.

The technique is best done in a sitting position with the seven body chakras aligned vertically. Unlike most meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered state but it is one that you can live in.

It can take 2 to 3 weeks of regular practice to start noticing changes; it is suggested that you do the meditation daily.

It can also be helpful to record the process on your phone, then follow along, until you become more familiar with it.

As you are doing the meditation, it is important to feel what is going on in your fields; it is not a visualization technique. As you progress in the meditation, you will feel your consciousness expanding as the Higher parts of yourself connect into your personality.

The Process:

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Opening the heart

Into a beautiful ball of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the throat chakra

And the solar plexus chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the brow chakra

And the navel chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the crown chakra

And the base chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the Alpha chakra

(Eight inches above the head)

And the Omega chakra

(Eight inches below the spine)

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the Waves of Metatron

To move between these two points

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the eighth chakra

(above the head)

And the upper thighs

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the emotional body to merge

with the physical fields

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the ninth chakra

(above the head)

And the lower thighs

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the mental body to merge

with the physical fields

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the tenth chakra

(above the head)

And the knees

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the spiritual body to merge

with the physical fields

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the eleventh chakra

(in the higher dimensions)

And the upper calves

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the Oversoul to merge

with the unified field

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the twelfth chakra

(in the higher dimensions)

And the lower calves

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the Christ Oversoul to merge

with the unified field

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the thirteenth chakra

(in the higher dimensions)

And the feet

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the I AM Oversoul to merge

with the unified field

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

Allowing the light to expand.

Encompassing the fourteenth chakra

(in the higher dimensions)

And way below the feet

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around the body

Allow the Source’s Presence to merge

Throughout the unified field

I AM a unity of Light

Breathe in Light

Through the center of the heart

And ask that

The highest level of the Spirit

Radiate forth

From the center of the heart

Filling this unified field completely

And radiates forth throughout this day

I AM a unity of Spirit

This technique is based upon the original unified chakra from Angelic Outreach and is used with their permission.

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